• 恐怖地窖2022
  • 恐怖地窖2022

    伊丽莎·库斯伯特,欧文·马肯,Dylan Fitzmaurice Brady,Abby Fitz,Aaron Monaghan,Andrew Bennett,Tara Lee,Michael-David McKernan,肖恩·多耶尔,Marie Mullen,Amy Conroy,Vivian Drew,Nell Garcia,斯蒂夫·根恩,Mónica Marín,克里斯·麦克哈利姆
    2022-11-29 21:00:02

这会儿陈老师坐电梯上顶楼晾晒被单去了,她把秦歌的床单、被套拆下来丢洗衣机里洗了。<p>About a week after the Woods family move in to Xaos House, their daughter Ellie goes missing during a power cut. Ellie's mother Keira investigates and finds that the walls have strange symbols engraved into them. After a number of terrifying supernatural experiences she comes to the conclusion that the house took Ellie. She discovers that a physicist and occultist called John F...</p>


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