• 放荡者日记
  • 放荡者日记

    Rutger Hauer ... Rick , Dagmar Lassander ... Doreen , Shirley Corrigan ... Elke , Heidrun Hankammer , ........
    2020-11-03 13:50:23

A young man named Rick regularly gets drunk three sheets and seduces women, one after another. But this was not always the case. Once he had a family, rather beloved wife Elke and he was a sailor and had all the chances to become the captain of the ship. One day he was sent to the semi-annual cruise and Elke left alone. When he returned after a long absence, Rick learns that hi...在所有人无语的沉默中,只有大表哥热心地帮他把手机拿出来,打开窗户抛过去。


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