• BBC:印巴分治:被遗忘的故事
  • BBC:印巴分治:被遗忘的故事

    Gurinder Chadha
    2020-02-05 23:54:08

British film-maker Gurinder Chadha (pictured), director of Bend It Like Beckham and The Viceroy's House, travels from Southall to Delhi to find out about the Partition of India - one of the most seismic and violent events of the 20th century.To find out why and how it happened Gurinder crosses India, meeting people whose lives were torn apart by Partition, as well as historians who explain the complex motives behind the split. Along the way she discovers the political and social pressures that led to Partition, and uncovers evidence that some members of the British establishment supported the divide.古忠闻言大松一口气,立即上前将标签写了皇后她们的瓶子收在了包袱里。


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