• 荒蛮孤岛
  • 荒蛮孤岛

    西恩·帕特维,阿里克斯·瑞德,托比·凯贝尔,斯蒂芬·怀特,Luke Neal,Ben McKay,勒诺拉·克里奇洛,Karly Greene,亚当·迪康,Richie Campbell,Stephen Don,约翰·特拉弗斯,George Shane,Gordon Fulton,John Rea
    2023-05-03 12:53:48

而在玄鸟的办公室里,再度坐在桌子后面,两人终于有空聊起了任务的手尾。  A group of young offenders are delivered to an island  for a week of character building exercises after one  of their fellow inmates commits suicide.. It all goes  horribly wrong when they realise that there′s someone  else on the island who has a pack of dogs and a crossbow  with which to hunt them down.


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