• 血亲2022
  • 血亲2022

    2023-04-23 16:11:03

黑发,黑眼,皮肤白皙,像是一个罗马人,明明凝视着如此惨烈的景象,可脸上却带着疏离又冷漠的微笑。  "Jane (Victoria Moroles) is a 15-year-old girl whose very human mother died recently and may have slept with a vampire about, say, 15 years and nine months ago. The fact she craves raw meat and has to wear a lot of sunblock are also clues that Francis is her father. The realization that his cool-guy life as an immortal vampire might be changing radically is at first scary to Francis, but eventually he embraces it, and that’s when things get really interesting." --from gizmodo


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