• 超窒然
  • 超窒然

    Moloch,Kristina Kostiv,大卫·布鲁克纳,Olivia Dean,Ildiko Preszly,Matthias Schmidt,Kris Santa,Josh Madry,Sebastian Gutsche,Ingolf Funke,Sebastian Matthias Weißbach,Sascha von Hinrichs,Michael Krug
    2024-02-29 12:14:39

——萨瓦拉:曾经追击巫妖龙而受困龙墓的龙族英雄,现在处于灵魂契约形态,具备成长恢复为英雄的潜力。非兵种类NPC单位。攻10,防御35,魔力31,伤害3-6,生命800,法力600,攻速7,体力80,技能:神格复生,宗师级施毒术,宗师级冥想术,宗师级恢复术。  An international group of film students finds a disturbing video clip on the dark web which seems to contain poltergeist phenomena. Agreed that it's just what they need for their latest documentary project the group travels to the sanatorium shown in the video clip. Once there, they rig up their camera equipment and start to explore the possible ghost activities - until the true horror begins.


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