• 乘坐彗星
  • 乘坐彗星

    2023-02-19 15:36:49

槐诗下意识地伸手想要抓住点什么东西,可旋即便被残酷地拽走了,好像无形的绳索拉扯着他一样,一瞬间掠过了繁华的街道和汹涌的人潮,自无数钢铁森林之间归还。  When a comet passes the earth very closely, it pulls a small part of North Africa with it. Carried along is a bunch of people. Among them Angelika, who just escaped from a ruthless weapon dealer's ship, and her two brothers, who are searching her. Then there's a group of natives, who plan a rebellion against the French colonists. All these conflicts become secondary when the people finally realize that they are doomed to live together on an alien planet. However this time of peace and world-happiness won't last for long...


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