• X星来客
  • X星来客

    Robert Clarke,Margaret Field,Raymond Bond
    2024-03-02 14:00:42

他道:“我预计用三到四年的时间来做这事儿,还将那些拦在青州前的虎豹驱逐,医署加进来只会让时局更加混乱。”  One of the five sci-fi's I remember every single detail of from my earliest days as a fan. For the genre, I think it's considerably above average. The moor is nicely atmospheric. There's one of every character in the book: the good guy, the bad guy, the local sheriff, the lovely damsel, her father the old professor, etc. The scene where we're looking for the first time through the window of the ship and the visitor peeks out from the other side is easily as good as the three-fingered-hand-on-the-shoulder in War of the Worlds. Nice "character" to the visitor, for whom, like Karloff's Frankenstein, we end up feeling some empathy .


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