• 冒险王尊尼
  • 冒险王尊尼

    Matt Twining/甄子菁/斯科特·勒维/马特·姆林斯/杰森·伦敦/伊拉姆·崔/Cici Lau/迈克尔·哥兹/Stirling Everly
    2024-01-09 23:26:02

时间的声音大自然的风声,是尘埃游动的声音,是海水中的海浪翻滚的声音,也是有人在为他悲伤难过而在心中痛哭的声音。   Johnny Dow struggles to make a living at his small town gas station by charging motorists to see the electric guitar used by his late father a one-hit, rock and roll wonder. Legend has it the guitar was carved in the shape of a dragons head and made in part from an ancient spear his father found in the crater of a shooting star. When Johnnys friend Eddie stumbles upon the other half of the spear he releases an ancient demon hungry for power and destruction. Mika a beautiful Chinese warrior who holds the secret to fighting Eddie and his army of kung fu, sugar-craving warriors reveals to Johnny that the only way to stop the evil spirit is to use the first half of the spear - the dragon on Johnnys guitar! Together Johnny and Mika set out to fight Eddie and his army, reunite the two halves of the spear, restore peace to the town and - of course - save the world!


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