• 快递人生
  • 快递人生

    Julien Adam,Tetchena Bellange,Pierre Lebeau
    2019-10-14 19:43:56

女妖获得新特技“潜能激发”:您的女妖部队的技能特技成功的几率提升。Two destinies intersect. Norbert has worked for twenty years in Africa. Either out of idealism or because he was forced to flee his country of origin. When he returns, it's despite himself and without papers. Now Norbert has only one goal: to be deported back to Africa where he lived and worked. Above all, not to be stuck in Canada, where he feels useless... And in danger. Norbert plans to stow away on a cargo ship head for Africa. But he must get rid of Trotsky, his pet monkey. He has no choice but to abandon the small primate in the park... and hope that someone will pick him up. But an annoying kid spoils his plan by witnessing it and quickly bringing back the money. "Why are you dumping your pet? You're disgusting!" What starts as a confrontation evolves slowly into a true companionship. The man and the boy serve as each other's bridge over troubled waters.


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