• 未来杀手
  • 未来杀手

    Edwin Neal/玛丽莲·伯恩斯/加布里埃尔·福尔斯/Wade Reese/Barton Faulks/Rob Rowley/Craig Kanne/Jeffrey Scott/Alice Villarreal/Doug Davis
    2024-01-05 00:04:25

  A group of protesters who call themselves mutants have taken over the inner city streets of a large city. They dress weird to try and show the effects of toxic poisoning. One of the mutants, Splatter, has really been affected. A group of fraternity boys decide to go into the mutant territory and kidnap one of the mutants as a prank. They inadvertently get framed for the murder of the mutant leader and are hunted through the abandoned buildings and dark streets by a crazed Splatter and his gang. 就在这时,茶室的大门砰砰砰的急促敲响,门外传来“老师老师”的兴奋呼喊。


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