• 毁灭者
  • 毁灭者

    斯科特·阿金斯 Stu Bennett
    2022-07-10 14:38:33

当大量的巨骨天魔粉碎之后,便有一些祖龙魔施展出了同样璀璨的黑光,守住了更进一步的能量暴乱,让现场的情况稳定了下来。A former US Federal Agent must abandon the witness protection program and come out of hiding when his London home is invaded in error due to a wrong address. When the event ends with multiple homicides, the news triggers those hunting him to send Europes most dangerous assassin to kill him. Now on the run with his daughters life in jeopardy, a determined father must get her to safety before the people hes been hiding from tracks him down.


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