• 很高兴认识你/谁是我那个他
  • 很高兴认识你/谁是我那个他

    Book Kasidet Plookphol,福卢克·加温·卡斯基,普西特·迪塔皮西,查亚功·朱塔玛斯,Aou Thanaboon,Boom Tharatorn,Force Jiratchapong,Jimmy Jitaphon Potiwihok,纳帕特·帕查拉恰瓦雷,奥利弗·普帕特
    2022-03-05 11:52:15

满宝和周立如躺在边上,打了一个哈欠,眯着眼看向上方的树叶,已经漏下来的阳光,心慢慢平静下来,她便有一搭没一搭的和科科说话,“那天我们进镇的时候你丁零当啷的响,似乎有很多可以收录的东西。”在法国生活后,西奥回到泰国,在他父亲的学校学习。住在泰国再次让他的环境焕然一新,但他确实交了一个朋友Ak。西奥在图书馆里找到一本欢迎他的书,作者签下了“Enchante”,法语的意思是“很高兴见到你”。西奥对这个迷人的家伙很好奇,并告诉了Ak这件事。Ak很快暴露了情况,四个家伙站出来声称他们是Enchante。西奥会成功猜出自称是他的4个家伙中谁是真的Enchante吗 After living in France, Theo comes back to Thailand to study at his father's school. Living in Thailand once again makes his surroundings new, but he does make one friend, Ak. Theo finds a book in the library that welcomes him, and the writer signs Enchanté, which means "nice to meet you" in French. Theo becomes curious about who this Enchanté guy is and tells Ak about it. Ak quickly exposes the situation, and four guys come forward claiming that they are Enchanté. Will Theo successfully guess who is the legit Enchanté among the 4 guys claiming to be him?


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