• 孟买的杀手
  • 孟买的杀手

    盖伊·罗尔夫,艾伦·卡思伯森,安德鲁·克鲁克香克,George Pastell,Marne Maitland
    2024-03-02 14:18:23

“我不管,二嫂你先答应我,她要是能靠认字挣钱,你就得答应她跟我一块儿读书认字。”  A murderous religious cult is way-laying travellers and stealing goods in nineteenth century India. As the disappearances mount and trade becomes difficult, the British East India Company is forced to act. But they give the job to an upper-class officer completely out-of-touch with the country rather than the obvious candidate who has been in India for years and well understands the people and culture.


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