• 做贼抓贼
  • 做贼抓贼

    Peter Sellers,Lionel Jeffries,Bernard Cribbins,Davy Kaye,Nanette Newman,Bill Kerr
    2023-05-07 16:57:08

  The crooks in London know how it works. No one carries guns and no one resists the police. Then a new gang appears that go one better. They dress as police and steal from the crooks. This upset's the natural order of the police/criminal relationship and the police and the crooks join forces to catch the IPOs (Impersonating Police Officers), including an armored car robbery in which the police must help the gangs to set a trap.没错,福特森什么都布置了,唯独没有布置美国队应该干什么。因为这个没有必要说,他们也没有必要问,美国队的任务就是抢矿!


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