• 不朽的战争
  • 不朽的战争

    埃里克·罗伯茨、汤姆·塞兹摩尔、小比尔·奥伯斯特、肖恩·赫拉多、Jackie Gerhardy
    2020-08-07 07:31:22

“那是我平生在工作中所犯下的唯一一个错误,一个很小的错误,只是八分钟的误差,导致功亏一篑。set in the future the world has been split into sectors, humans have captured deviants and force them to fight to the death. madman dominion harvey (eric roberts) hosts the immortal wars and televises the show to the entire planet. trikalypse and fellow deviants will not only fight to survive, but to bring down dominion industries.


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