• 裸爱
  • 裸爱

    2022-05-30 22:10:43

Maísa (Yolanda de Paulo) and Leonardo (Guily Machovec) are a couple facing problems in their relationship. Their marriage is put to the test when they meet another couple. Each individual has varying dreams and desires as they flirt with the idea of changing relationships. This union will completely change their lives and the dynamics they have as a couple.女娲急施魄灵符,将石封住,心想自造人后,独缺姻缘轮回神位,便封它为‘三生石’,赐它法力‘三生诀’,将其三段命名为前世、今生、来世,并在其身添上一笔姻缘线,从今生一直延续到来世。


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