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    2020-10-18 06:14:09

在地狱中,在槐诗的愉悦的笑声里,庄严的日轮开辟无穷黑暗,撕裂潮汐,粗暴的撞碎了一切拦在前面的影子,焚烧着无穷灾厄,闯入了统治者们所造就的黑暗。Stephan (Christoph Maria Herbst) and his wife Elisabeth (Caroline Peters) organize a dinner in their house in Bonn. Invited are family friend René (Justus von Dohnányi), Thomas (Florian David Fitz) and his pregnant girlfriend Anna (Janina Uhse). But the parents of an unborn boy make sure that the evening planned as a cozy get-together suddenly gets out of hand: they announce that they want to call their child Adolf and thus cause a scandal.


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