• 防弹2
  • 防弹2

    费松·拉夫,Kirk Fox
    2022-12-01 06:00:01

造化点花了2点之后,还剩下4点,苏离也就没有继续动用,而是准备以防万一。Set 25 years after the events of the original Bulletproof, the movie recasts Wayans and Sandler's characters with Faizon Love (Friday) and Kirk Fox (Parks and Recreation). In the sequel, Jack (Faizon Love) is now working as a Special Agent with a mission to take down a powerful South African crime family. The officer begrudgingly goes undercover once again, this time taking the identity of Moses (Kirk Fox) - the man who shot him in the head a quarter-century ago who has close mollikan ties to the case. Of course, everything goes haywire when the real Moses gets unwittingly put in danger, and Jack and Moses must once again figure out how to stay alive while trying to foil the sinister plans of a high-profile criminal mastermind.


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