• 柏林墙
  • 柏林墙

    2022-04-02 02:17:56

“姐,咱们干嘛不在厨房装个监控啊?反正是姐夫自己的地方,又不违法。”A documentary about the deconstruction of the Berlin Wall which makes no use of vocal mentary but instead focuses on visual elements. From the Potsdamer Platz to the Brandenburg Gate, the camera captures the historic events from all sides and different angles: on the one hand there are news reporters and tourists from all over the world taking pictures, children selling pieces of the wall to passers-by, and people celebrating New Year's Eve, on the other we see abandoned subway stations and officials with blank looks on their faces.


  1. 只想与你相聚 2019-10-14
  2. 爱人·同志 2022-07-24
  3. 八佰 2022-04-13
  4. 战火中的夏利特 2019-10-14
  5. 成成烽火之绝杀 2022-11-29
  6. 康定情歌 2022-11-29
  7. 红星照耀中国 2022-04-13
  8. 千码凝视 2024-03-02
  9. 小兵张嘎 2022-04-20
  10. 玩世英雄 2019-10-14
  11. 飞虎队 2022-11-29
  12. 黑鹰坠落 2022-12-01
  13. 帝国的毁灭 2022-07-07
  14. 南京!南京! 2023-12-13
  15. 敦刻尔克行动 2022-02-23
  1. 柏林墙 2022-04-02
  2. 永不消逝的电波 2022-04-02
  3. 军中乐园 2022-03-31
  4. 狙击手2022 2022-03-27
  5. 战火黎明 2022-03-27
  6. 空天猎 2022-03-25
  7. 开枪为他送行 2022-12-02
  8. 特高课在行动(独家修复) 2022-03-24
  9. 怒战狂心 2022-03-24
  10. 大象林旺之一炮成名 2022-03-24
  11. 红海行动 2022-03-24
  12. 烽火逐金 2022-03-24
  13. 战犬瑞克斯普通话版 2022-03-24
  14. 张艺谋和他的影 2022-03-24
  15. 徒手攀岩原声版 2022-03-24
  16. 我的1919(独家修复) 2022-12-02
  17. PT 218的叛军 2022-12-02
  18. 兵临城下 虎贲 2022-12-02