• 前爱国者
  • 前爱国者

    查理·韦伯、瓦伦·凯恩、玛瑟拉·玛、David Valencia、Andres Ogilvie Browne、更多...
    2020-07-23 06:10:42

风晴雪这么想,却当然不会实话实说,而只是轻声安慰道:“苏人皇也不必多想,这一切其实都是这周苍宙知道了我们的某些目的,因而暗中设下了陷阱囚笼,只能说是我们因为心急而大意了。”CIA analyst Riley Quinn lost everything when she blew the whistle on the US government. Hunted into exile, she escaped to Colombia. Two years later, Riley is living a loner lifestyle when suddenly CIA Agent Bill Donovan shows up with an offer. Her name will be cleared if she helps an international task force confiscate millions. Riley accepts the job, but she realizes too late that its a lie. Pursued by corrupt agents, Riley must battle the demons of her past and find a way back [email protected]


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