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    2022-08-23 14:24:54

白冠王召出一面镜子,捏了捏下巴,似是端详:“在以前,一个神系想要昌盛持久,那么必然需要有人代表众神在人间行走。This romantic edy follows two couples in Copenhagen trying to settle down. Sus, who works in a beauty clinic, tries to live happily with her Italian husband. Soon after she tells him that she's pregnant she discovers that he's having an affair with one of her clients at the beauty clinic. She kicks him out of the apartment just as their new kitchen arrives. Niller, the kitchen installer, is a down-to-earth kind of guy who lives a childless, but otherwise happy life with Lizzie. They're busy preparing for a child adoption, only one event will have a huge impact on both their lives just as the newly adopted girl shows up from Burkina Fasu. At the same time Niller falls head-over-heels in love with Sus. Written by Eroka


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