• 毫无羞耻
  • 毫无羞耻

    阿格涅兹卡·格罗乔斯卡,马太乌兹·科西基维奇,Anna Próchniak,Maciej Marczewski
    2022-05-16 22:51:50

他环顾着自己的子嗣们,颔首说道:“在你们里面,有的人是升华者,有的人不是,有的人在外面仇家遍地,有的人还没有出门……没有回来的,不是已经死了,就是在找死。Tadek is a teenager rebelling against the world. Just before the end of the school year, he escapes from his aunt to his sister Anka, who lives in the south of Poland. There, the lonely Tadek unexpectedly becomes aware of his erotic fascination with his sister. A film about the sinful love between a brother and a sister, about the characters’ painful adolescence and their objection to cultural taboos. Finally, a story about the freedom to choose one’s way in life.


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