• 杀手
  • 杀手

    阿德里安娜·巴比欧,Kelsey Deanne,Ashley Wolfe
    2022-04-13 17:29:46

此刻的金牛座已经小了好几圈,像电弧一样纤细,再难以维持自己的存在,话都来不及多说就投入了残存的反应炉中去了。Martin Bristol returns to where it all began: the home where he was kidnapped from. But he is not the boy who disappeared over 10 years ago. Tortured and abused at the hands of his psychotic captor, Graham Sutter, Martin is damaged beyond repair. Lurking in the shadows of suburbia, he stalks and kills without remorse. Special Agent William Perkins follows Martin's trail of terror, desperate to capture him before he kills again. Martin's family, mourning his disappearance for over 10 years, is informed not only that he is alive, but that he is responsible for the wave of murder sweeping through their town. Will they be able to reunite with their long lost son before it's too late, or will Perkins have to use excessive force to bring him down?


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