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    维奥兰特·普拉奇多,Caterina Guzzanti,Paolo Ruffini,Pasquale Petrolo
    2022-06-01 11:18:41

那里平常留守的一共是四个人:管家芝姐、司机汪勇、厨师程强、园丁韩瑞。Diego Gardini (Ruffini) is a highly successful entrepreneur, a major wheeler and dealer who knows just about everyone in show-business. He is also an extremely obnoxious, selfish, egotistical lout who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. One day, he loses his cell phone in a public washroom just before an overseas flight. Two janitors find the phone and, to avenge Gardini’s mistreatment of them, choose to flood Gardini’s social media accounts with scandalous messages and pictures. Given Gardini’s fame as a socialite, the messages go viral, jeopardizing Gardini’s job and future. Modalità Aereo is a high-concept film filled with slapstick moments, embarrassing scenes, misunderstandings and humiliation, in the tradition of classic Italian comedies.


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