• 维京战争
  • 维京战争

    Peter Cosgrove,Darcie Lincoln,Victor Toth
    2019-10-14 19:36:13

刘老夫人便看了一眼白善后笑道:“我想趁着现在入冬,看能不能在京城附近买个小庄子,以后大家在城里住得厌烦了也可以到庄子里住一段时间。”Ingrid and her siblings are on the run from the Beserkers who have begun invading the villages, taking over, savagely using the residents on a game where they vs a Beserker, and if they win, they get to survive - only, no one ever wins. The siblings are trying to escape the Beserkers after they violently murdered m.ysgou and took over their town. However, the Beserkers are on their trail, and want to put them in the game.


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