• 印花天空
  • 印花天空

    2019-10-14 19:34:09

大飞猛然一喜,不用说,肯定是前面几波虫群被自己截杀了完不成任务,所以这次就增派虫群了,NPC果然不是傻的。那就更好!大飞正愁技能领悟的太慢,射的太不给力呢。而这一次,大飞就想试试新玩法,试试宗师级箭术技能“急速射击”的效果。Self condemned to the immense and boundless prison of the Mojave desert, Phoenix leads a life of forced isolation, living by himself in a house as far away as possible from the rest of the world. Phoenix does one thing and one thing only: he digs holes. Every month he digs a hole in the middle of nowhere and buries something. The last stronghold of society stands with the man that frequently delivers his mail. When one day the delivery doesn't happen by the hand of his trustworthy mailman, but by that of the beautiful and quizzical Ariel, Phoenix's life derails in an escalation that leads him to dangerous consequences which will be impossible to escape.


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