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    道格·琼斯 / 米拉·索维诺 / 瑟达吕斯·布兰
    2024-02-29 16:14:44

Among countless others, four small-town boys are kidnapped by James Whitley, a deranged, warm-eyed psychopath. His grotesque pursuit to reunite orphaned children with their deceased birth parents is gridlocked when the boys escape and he is arrested. Twenty years later, Whitley flees during a prison fire and decides to see his mission through. Detective Larson, one of Whitley's prior victims - and now a cop - is removed from the case due to impartiality leaving his partner and lover, Detective Shotwell to solve the case. Fueled by rage and a chance of redemption, Detective Larson chases the steadfast psychopath on his own, only to fall back into the same trap he once escaped as a child.这样的冷与暖在这样的一只素白如玉的玉手上也并不显得突兀和离奇,一切都是那么的自然而惬意。


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