• 美味速递
  • 美味速递

    Song Gi-joon (송기준),孙珈蓝,Lee Ye-eun (이예은)
    2022-07-23 12:13:43

A delivery boy gives it his all while delivering packages!Will he be able to find real love in his erotic delivery life?Im Hyeok is a handsome boy who gets dumped by his girlfriend and takes a break from school after his father goes bankrupt. He starts working as a delivery boy and his life changes completely. He provides other services to women who have nothing else to look forward to in their lives besides wait for their package to arrive.The women in an apartment complex become a group and share Im Hyeok with each other. They include his sexy ex-girlfriend Hee-seon and innocent girl Tae-hee. The 5 sensual life between the five women and Im Hyeok starts now.白二郎也忍不住探头去看了一眼,因为位置小,他还把她们往那边挤了挤,明达也不介意,给他让了一点儿位置。


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