• 证人/目击者们
  • 证人/目击者们

    弗亚切斯拉夫·切普尔琴科 , 安娜·邱丽娜 , Marta Drozdova
    2020-09-22 23:53:04

宛如从地狱里降临尘世的恶神那样,那个燃烧的身影手舞着刀剑,劈斩时便迸发霹雳的雷鸣和巨响。Witnesses is a simple, yet powerful moving trilogy, depicting the horrors of the Holocaust. Each story in the film provides an unusual, yet harrowing perspective on the tragic events during World War II, told from the perspective of three uncanny witnesses. Shoes, the shortest of the stories, does not have a single line of dialogue or even a face featured in it. All we see i...


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