• 追踪不明飞行物第一季
  • 追踪不明飞行物第一季

    Erin Ryder,Ben McGee,James Fox
    2020-09-16 23:56:08

这仅仅只有短短的几天时间,对很多人来说,却是煎熬漫长到宛如永恒的时光。In National Geographic Channel’s new eight-part series Chasing UFOs, join a team of pioneering investigators pushes the limits to find the truth behind unexplained UFO sightings. Are we being watched? Is the government hiding information on UFO happenings? Can this team use science and technology to explain mysterious sightings or will the evidence truly be out of this world? These burning questions motivate the Chasing UFOs investigative team to travel far and probe deep into a number of strange encounters previously left unanswered.


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