• 末路狂奔3
  • 末路狂奔3

    扎特科·巴瑞克,Marinela Dekic,Ilyas Agac
    2023-04-14 13:11:25

“比方说,为了将深渊中开掘出的破碎圣痕重归完整,将整个边境转化为重生的容器呢?”乌鸦提点道:“就好像专门针对圣痕所打造的灵棺那样。In this third installment of the 'Pusher' trilogy, we follow Milo (Zlatko Buric), the drug lord from the two first films. He is aging, he is planning his daughter's 25th birthday and his shipment of heroin turns out to be 10.000 pills of ecstasy. When Milo tries to sell the pills anyway, all Hell breaks loose. (Slavko Labovic).- Written by larsthebellhop@ofir,dk


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