• 飞毯奇缘
  • 飞毯奇缘

    2022-05-13 02:28:13

Hodja is a dreamer. He wants to experience the world, but his father insists he stays home and takes over the family’s tailor shop. Fortunately, Hodja meets the old rug merchant El Faza, who gives him a flying carpet. In exchange he has to bring the old man’s little granddaughter, Diamond, back to Pjort. El Faza can’t travel to the Sultan city himself, as the mighty ruler has imposed a death sentence on El Faza, on the grounds that he has stolen the Sultan’s carpet. However, city life isn’t quite what Hodja expected, and he only survives because of Emerald, a poor but street smart girl, who teaches him how to manage in the big world. But when Hodja loses his carpet to the power-hungry sultan, his luck seems to run out. Will he complete his mission, find El Faza’s granddaughter and return safely back to Pjort?大地起伏,浪潮所过之处,只能看到无数尘埃惊恐的飞扬而起,又被空中肆虐的光与热蒸发,消失无踪。


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