• 透视梵蒂冈
  • 透视梵蒂冈

    2019-12-21 20:58:56

Filmed over a historic year, new series Inside The Vatican gives viewers unprecedented access to the inner workings of one of the most important places in the Christian world.From Pope Francis and some of his highest ranking officials to the choristers of the Sistine Chapel and the papal gardener, the series gives a unique insight into the lives of those who live and work in this independent City State.Filmed during Pope Francis’ fifth year in office, the series also charts a time of change as he introduces reforms, shakes up the clerical establishment and deals with the fallout of a sex abuse scandal that erupts just as the Pope embarks on a historic visit to Ireland.雷诺阿哦了一声:“原来如此。这个商会在航海圈子里无人不晓,今日一见传闻果然不假。”随即一声长叹:“你真是在错误的时机在错误的地点接手了一个错误的任务啊!”


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