• 富家穷路第五季
  • 富家穷路第五季

    尤金·列维,凯瑟琳·欧哈拉,丹·莱维 Dan Levy,达斯汀·米利甘 Dustin Milligan
    2023-03-17 21:21:58

玛门闷声道:“看来这帕尔一族还是不可小看,居然有能屏蔽契约之力的空间结界。”As season four begins, the Roses are making the most of life in Schitt’s Creek, and —Moira’s constant talk of escaping aside— are finally starting to feel at home in the town. Johnny is busy running the motel with Stevie as his partner. Business is booming, but it’s a challenge for him to balance work and family, while dealing with Roland’s antics. Moira is carrying out her duties with Town Council and the Jazzagals, and is also looking for new ways to utilize her talents, whether it’s through a theatrical performance, or by helping Alexis navigate event planning. David is managing his store and attempting to maintain a brand new relationship, but between struggling to find the time for romance, and overcoming the anxieties of his dating past, this is proving to be a challenge. Meanwhile, Alexis is putting all of her energy into school and her career, but is finding it difficult to focus when she still has lingering feelings for her ex-fiancé, Ted.


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