• 折磨2010
  • 折磨2010

    2022-05-19 08:34:34

Leslie Easterbrook plays the lead role of Mother Maggie, a disturbed mother of four who delivers an unimaginable level of abuse to her children while defending her actions with her own twisted interpretations of the Bible. Three daughters live in constant fear of being beaten and abused by their mentally disturbed mother. Escaping the wrath of their mother seems impossible and proves to be deadly. Based on a true story, The Afflicted takes you inside the lives of those who live in constant fear with no escape.漆黑货仓的尽头,一双冷焰寒芒有如黑暗中的萤火虫,闪亮而夺目,阴森而可怖!不用说,BOSS级的怪物!恩,有BOSS很正常,没BOSS才不正常。


  1. 山村老尸2:色之恶鬼(粤语) 2019-10-14
  2. 鬼照片 2019-10-14
  3. 电锯惊魂3 2022-04-13
  4. 幸运天钻 2019-11-09
  5. 生死缆车 2023-03-21
  6. 逃出绝命镇 2024-02-28
  7. 森林之门 2023-02-27
  8. 还魂 2023-02-27
  9. 痊愈/索命 2019-10-14
  10. 步步惊心 2022-10-22
  11. 隧道尽头 2020-09-10
  12. 惊魂电影院 2022-12-01
  13. 致命录像带 2022-12-02
  14. 魔童 2023-02-22
  15. 血亲 2022-12-01
  1. 巴黎深渊 2024-06-15
  2. 替代者2混沌梦魇 2022-04-15
  3. 红龙 2022-04-13
  4. 算计七天的死亡游戏 2022-04-13
  5. 凶灵再现 2023-08-10
  6. 山上的女孩 2022-03-10
  7. 猎局 2022-02-23
  8. 哈利波特3阿兹卡班的囚徒 2022-02-23
  9. 婚外恋者的奇遇 2022-02-23
  10. 玉手迷踪 2022-02-23
  11. 失落的魔方 2022-02-23
  12. 靡音之罪 2022-02-23
  13. 天赐宝贝 2022-02-23
  14. 红胡子 2022-02-23
  15. 暮光之城2新月 2022-02-23
  16. 白夜行 2022-02-23
  17. 神探南茜 2022-02-23
  18. 蛇咒 2022-02-23