• 隔墙有鬼
  • 隔墙有鬼

    Trevor Donovan、Vail Bloom、Bobby Batson
    2020-10-22 07:00:33

A struggling novelist moves his wife and young son to an old country home where he intends to write his next bestseller, but when a presence begins to communicate with his son, the tortured family must fight to escape an evil that threatens to doom them to the house for eternity.接下来,他会继续将‘万念俱灰’,发挥到极致,那么,为了避免他真死了导致计划中断,魅儿就一定会提前开始控制他。


  1. 山村老尸2:色之恶鬼(粤语) 2019-10-14
  2. 鬼照片 2019-10-14
  3. 电锯惊魂3 2022-04-13
  4. 幸运天钻 2019-11-09
  5. 生死缆车 2023-03-21
  6. 逃出绝命镇 2024-02-28
  7. 森林之门 2023-02-27
  8. 痊愈/索命 2019-10-14
  9. 隧道尽头 2020-09-10
  10. 还魂 2023-02-27
  11. 致命录像带 2022-12-02
  12. 魔童 2023-02-22
  13. 惊魂电影院 2022-12-01
  14. 血亲 2022-12-01
  15. 地狱传说 2019-10-14
  1. 隔墙有鬼 2020-10-22
  2. 死亡之池 2020-10-22
  3. 等待风暴 2020-10-22
  4. 暹罗广场 2020-10-22
  5. 坏苹果 2020-10-21
  6. 月下 2023-02-26
  7. 极限撞鬼实录 2020-10-21
  8. 夺魂惧 2020-10-21
  9. 鬼偷拍 2020-10-21
  10. 有时好杀 2020-10-21
  11. 难以忘怀的莎朗·塔特 2020-10-21
  12. 曼迪传奇娃娃 2020-10-21
  13. 黑暗录像带 2020-10-21
  14. 视网膜 2020-10-20
  15. 正义的子弹 2020-10-17
  16. 我的老师我的迷恋 2020-10-17
  17. 小岛 2020-10-17
  18. 血书2020 2020-10-16