• 漏洞
  • 漏洞

    Chloe Lukasiak,Will Steckman,Emily Lapisardi
    2020-01-11 23:53:34

The future of humanity hangs in the balance, as both sides race against time to find the bloodline of Judas Iscariot. When Lexi Smith, a simple college student, finds herself in the middle of an all-out spiritual war, she is forced to trust a complete stranger. Kidnapped, rescued, then in hiding, she knows she has to act, but will she have enough time to save humanity?若是有地仙境的道魂加持,苏离以轩辕天邪剑杀出天邪破天寂灭道抑或者是以盘古斧杀出盘皇生灭杀道,还有对抗的能力。


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